
Simplifying compliance by coordinating assessments through automation

a woman and a man smile in front of servers while inspecting a document

Upcoming events

AWS re:Inforce

Connect with us at our booth and join us for a networking happy hour to kick off the event. Registration details to come.

Platform Technologies

Compliance Essentials

Coalfire’s next-generation solution for managing compliance, assessments, and risk more easily and efficiently.

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Coalfire's cyber security platform, continuously manages threat exposure by blending human intelligence and automation to provide actionable insights that strengthen your cyber resiliency.

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Client story


“We couldn’t accept the typical 18-month FedRAMP® authorization timeline. Working with Coalfire and AWS, we achieved FedRAMP® authorization with lightning speed.”

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Solving your cybersecurity problems

Achieving cybersecurity compliance

Compliance Assessment for 60+ frameworks including FedRAMP®, PCI, HITRUST, ISO, and SOC

Effective compliance within complex environments is challenging. Validate your compliance with industry mandates and show your proactive security mindset.


We are the leading FedRAMP® Third Party Assessment Organization (3PAO), the largest HITRUST assessor, and the largest U.S.-based ISO team.


The Compliance Essentials platform integrated compliance and audit platform audits for multiple compliance mandates in one sweep, accelerating time to certification.


Coalfire’s platform supports more than four times the frameworks of other compliance automation tools, all within a single interface, and is backed by knowledgeable assessors. The results they represent together can’t be matched.

1M+ Hours of Assessment experience with the world's largest CSPs and enterprises

2,000+ Assessments conducted annually

Compliance penetration testing

Your cloud, devices, networks, and applications have weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors.

People + Tech

Coalfire’s experts have deep experience in security assessments. They will identify risks through manual control testing, vulnerability scanning, and pen testing.


After we isolate your gaps, we’ll support you with a detailed report of potential risks and recommended remediation steps. From there you can make swift, informed business moves.

4x Compliance Essentials supports more than four times the frameworks of other compliance automation tools.

Expert guidance + SaaS platform for streamlined compliance management

We're people-first, custom technology-backed. Our time-tested experts use Compliance Essentials to reduce costs and automate activities.

Our platform supports 60+ compliance frameworks including PCI, SOC, ISO, HIPAA, HITRUST, FedRAMP, NIST, and custom/proprietary frameworks

~40% Compliance Essentials reduces internal compliance spend up to 40%.


Industry success

Elite enterprises, cloud infrastructure providers, and SaaS companies across all major industries trust Coalfire to help move their business forward.

Partner with the people who can accelerate your secure growth

If you have vulnerabilities, you can trust Coalfire to find and eliminate them so you become more secure and compliant. Connect with us to get started today.